Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sunlight after the Rain

There are so many days when I just feel so down on life; I feel like I was robbed of all the happiness that one should be given. My childhood bared many painful blows that many people would never be able to fathom. When I finally became an adult and gained independence, I thought I would finally be in control of my own life. Clearly, this could not be further from the truth...

When I got pregnant the first time, my husband and I could not keep our excitement in. We told everyone we knew. At nine weeks, we went out and bought a room full of nursery essentials--only to lose the baby six weeks later. When we got pregnant again with Brandt, it wasn't that same kind of excitement as before--it was a constant fear. I told myself that once he was born things would be better--which now I know isn't true either.

Today, was another day of going through the motions. I took Brandt over to a diagnostic center to have SEVEN more blood tests done to test for allergies and immunology. It just seems crazy to me that he has been sick this long--it's been 2 months straight. Hopefully these labs will give us some insight.

BUT!!!! Just when I was down on life and drained, my baby boy made a major development. While the typical parent would not be as excited as this, it is a major leap for Brandt. Today he started pulling himself up on the step stool. Of course, it isn't but maybe 6" off the ground and the average baby does this by 6mo, but it is such an amazing thing for him. Finally, a little sunshine after all the rainstorms that we've been going through!

I needed this so badly. I needed this development to help restore my faith and to motivate me to work with him even more. I am so excited, and I am sure that this is just he beginning of what will soon be pulling up on tables and chairs! :D Thanks for your prayers for his continued development.

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