Saturday, September 1, 2012

Five Seconds of Hope

Even though the summer has ended, we are continuing to work with Brandt on our "Summer Skills" goals.

There has been moments of weakness when things have felt hopeless, when I have felt utterly exhausted, when I have been ready to just go forward without answers. And, just when I started to feel like the world was ending, Brandt finds a way to give me a burst of hope that keeps me pushing forward.

Last week, I was playing with Brandt as he was cruising along the table. I was playing with one of his favorite toys, and he started watching me with a perplexed look on his face. He was so mesmerized by what I was doing that he had no clue what he was doing--and for like FIVE SECONDS, he stood without holding onto anything! I suddenly became the happiest mom in the world as I signaled my husband and step-son to watch Brandt stand without any support. It was the longest five seconds of our lives--it all happened in slow motion--but I mean that in the best way possible. Months of tirelessly fighting had all come down to those five seconds of hope.

In the days that followed, I have noticed Brandt's core strength to continue. He no longer plops down to sit, but, rather, he sits down in a more controlled, slow, squat-to-sit motion. He can transition from cruising along to table, over to the couch, without having to throw himself forward into the couch. He can actually transition with his body upright and taking deliberate, calculated steps. While, I have not witnessed anymore standing without assistance instances, I can see that he is strengthening and moving in the right direction.

And, if that was not enough to give me hope--today Brandt popped out "Muh-muh!" Finally! He's said it a few times today, and it is music to my ears. I never appreciated his babbles so much.

Brandt's school teachers have been telling me that he has been gabbering more and more. They say that he has gotten more animated and aware over the past week, and I am definately seeing that translate into developments at home, too!

Certainly, him standing unassisted one time does not mean he is going to be walking tomorrow. And him adding another consonant to his vocabulary does not mean that he will be having conversations next week. The developements don't make everything perfect, and I don't want people to over-rejoice because there are still some hard facts that we face. Still, it does lighten the load. It does make things easier, and it does rejuvenate my faith!And, most importantly, it means that he does have to capacity to one day walk and talk--and I cannot wait for those days to arrive!

So, yes, this is one VERY HAPPY HOME this week! I just love my little Brandt Bear. He really knows when to give me a boost of strength and hope. Hopefully this is just the beginning of many more great things to come!

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