Friday, January 25, 2013

Shifting Numbers

Today Brandt had his 18mo well-baby visit. And, yes, he is already 20 months, but somehow we missed scheduling it. So, better late than never! But, anywho, the appointment was both necessary and productive.

First off, there has been an issue that I thought important to address with the doctor. Brandt has been having about six bowel movements a day for the past six months--although some days as much as eight. And, I'm not talking formed, solid poop neither. These are very soft, loose bowel movements--you know, the gross kind that'll leak out the sides or run up the back if you don't get it changed right away. So, Darrin told the doctor. And, apparently, that is normal according to the doctor. And, even though the doctor says it is normal, I'm still not real confident with his opinion. It just seems like a lot of you-know-what to me!

But, onto better news... There have been some great shifts in Brandt's numbers. When Brandt was born, his head circumference was in the 40th percentile, which did understandably concern me. Over the past 20months, however, his brain has been doing some major growing, and he is now in the 89th percentile--talk about growth! Brandt's weight has seen some improvement, too. Having such a hearty appetite, I am proud to report that he actually went down from the 99th percentile. Brandt actually weighs nearly two pounds less than he did a few months back. And while weight loss in toddlers typically is not good, for Brandt it is. It is a sign that he is in an environment that encourages much more physical movement, and he is able to maneuver much more freely now. He is gaining more motor skills, and he is eager to use them. Brandt is now weighing 29.10lbs, and he has dropped down to the 91st percentile! Of course, he's always had some height, now standing at 34" tall in the 72nd percentile. He will be riding the coasters at Disney before I know it!

Of course, as is the story of my life, Brandt had the Hepatitis A vaccine today, and it didn't leave him feeling so well. Towards the end of the day, the babysitter texted me that he was running a fever and wasn't really eating. He was uncomfortable and had difficulty napping, too. I had Ibuprofen in the diaper bag for her to give to him, and that seemed to break the fever. I picked him up a Happy Meal for the ride home and he inhaled it, probably since the ibuprofen had just kicked in. He came home and played for a bit before the nightly bath and medicine routine. He nearly fell asleep during his breathing treatments at 6pm, but he did crash in my arms right after it was done. Poor guy. Hopefully we can both get a full night of sleep tonight and be feeling 110% tomorrow!

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