It's been a week since Brandt's surgery, and he seems to be healing quite well.
The first few days made me nervous with diaper changes--he was so swollen and bruised all over. He was pretty good with the pain though. He managed during the day, but we did give him a prescription at night to help him rest comfortably. But, after a few days, the swelling went down. And now, a week later, most of the bruising has gone down. The stitches still haven't healed and the bandages haven't fallen off, but they did say that healing would take about three weeks.
The hardest part of this whole thing has been keeping him from climbing and straddling. There have been a couple slip-ups where he's darted up the couch, and once when he climbed onto his Power Wheel when I wasn't looking. He didn't show any signs of pain, but I cringe at the thought that he could undo his surgical work.
We go back to the urologist next week for a follow-up so fingers crossed that he heals well.
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