Monday, December 31, 2012

Perfect Ending!

This has been a whirlwind of years.

January 2012, Brandt was just 7 months old and being watched by my friend. It was just Brandt and her 1yo daughter, and it was such a sheltered environment with no germs, clean surfaces, and the organic lifestyle. It was--perfect.

And, though we have always had our concerns with Brandt's development, March 2012 is when we started to face them. Brandt started at Little Steps to Bright Futures childcare, and he started the Early Steps program for early intervention.

May 2012, Brandt turned 1yo! But, sadly, did not get to move into the 1yo classroom til Aug 2012 because of his delays.

He went from not sure if he'll walk in March, to will need braces to help him walk May, to crawling with the aid of devices in August, to walking with aid of devices In September, to waddle-walking in October.

But, it was a journey...

Starting in March, we bounced from doctor to doctor. Under our belt, we had a regular physical therapist, but we wandered from neurologist, to a geneticist, to a otolaryngologist, to a pulminologist, to a cardiologist, to a different otolaryngologist, with return visits in-between. Testing started out with a basic CBC and a metabolic panel but quickly moved to neurological and genetic blood tests. And, as soon as that began, we were on to more complex testing--Hearing tests, Echocardiogram, MRI of the brain, MRI of the complete spine, EKG. We have heard everything--from it being cerebral palsy to a metabolic condition to anemia to a heart problem to a hearing problem--but we have found that we really know nothing at all.

By September 2012, I was burned out and ready to call the search party over. Brandt added speech therapy to his regular physical therapy regiment and those were enough for me. I had wasted "the baby years" chasing a ghost that just doesn't exist. I was ready to begin enjoying Brandt and spending time at the park, rather than the doctors.

Nov/ Dec 2012, Brandt was referred to a urologist and ordered to have surgery for an undescended testicle. And, in the waiting process was hospitalized with pneumonia. Once out and back to Little Steps, he caught a fungal infection from not being changed. Moved him to a private sitter and found a strong sense of calm again. But, still, four days before Christmas, had his surgery.

Spent the remaining two weeks of 2012 enjoying being Brandt Alan Forman--big boy extroidinaire! Read hundreds of books, played outside, rode bikes, lots of cuddling, a nice trip to Zoo Miami, and a very spoiled Christmas. Learned how to follow simple commands, stack rings, bark like a dog, moo like a cow, and identify several body parts! Lots of laughs and lots of love--perfect way to end the year!

It's been a hard journey, but I never would have been able to do it without the support of friends and family! Bring on 2013!


  1. As they say, "The best is yet to come!" More fun, more happy times!

    1. Yes! I do feel that you are right--better days ahead!
