Saturday, July 21, 2012

Reschedule and Regroup

It has been a very long and draining two weeks, with Brandt first battling a belly-bug and then being hit with an upper respiratory infection. It was many sleepless nights and napless days for the little guy. Four different medications and two shots later, I think he is finally on the rebound.
Unfortunately, because he was on antiobiotics, St. Marys (once again) would not do his MRIs that were scheduled for this past Thursday. I feel like a broken record as we have been trying to get these done since April, but we just seem to have to keep rescheduling for infections. Leading up to the appointment day, I prayed with all of my might that they would do the imaging, but I am at peace and have decided that all I can do is just let go and let God. We'll try again in a few weeks, but I'm leaving it in God's hands.
With that being said, I talked to the doctor about what we can do to prevent all of these infections. A friend of my had suggested taking him out of daycare for the summer, but he's been out for a while now and that really did not help. The doctor seems to think these infections are being triggered by asthma and allergies so he increased the frequency on Brandt's breathing treatments and the dosage of his allergy medication. He also added in a nose spray. The doctor continued, stating that if the problem persists, we might need to consider removing Brandt's adenoids--which is stressful because we should've just talked to the ENT about that when he was having his tubes done. I'm hoping that maybe this new medication regiment will help keep his passages clear and we won't have to deal with the latter.
But, for now, all I can do is deal with the rescheduling, regroup, and keep pressing forward...
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