Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Skills

So, during each break throughout the school year, I made a goal or two for Brandt. We worked really hard and stayed vigilant, and we mastered the skills!

So, now that I am home for the summer, I have decided that I should lay out some goals. With these goals, we will work on a variety of occupational, motor, and communication skills. Each of the skills I have selected he should've mastered before his 1st birthday, so I'm hoping this extra time with him will help him catch up some. I invite you all to join us on the journey!

1.)  Drink from a straw.
2.)  Self-Feed with a Spoon.
3.)  Bang Two Blocks together.
4.)  Stacks Blocks or Cups.
5.)  Waves Bye-bye.
6.)  Say "Mama" to Correct Parent.
7.)  Imitates Sounds.
8.)  Crawl with Belly off the Ground.
9.)  Walk with a Push-Toy without Assistance.
10.) Stand Unassisted for a Couple Seconds.

Sent from my BlackBerry® by Boost Mobile

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