Monday, June 18, 2012

Sick Again!

Bloggers and Followers--please forgive me to the delay, but it has been a crazy couple of weeks...

Last Monday, on the day that we took Brandt for that consultation with an ENT in Miami, Brandt came down with a fever.

By Tuesday evening, we took him to the pediatrician with a fever of 102.3. He was irritable, restless, and dehydrated--refusing foods and fluids. The nurse swabbed him for the flu and strep. As we waited for the results, Brandt's fever rose past 104. The doctor instructed him to be wrapped up in ice. I dreaded the idea because I knew the ice was going to make him more uncomfortable and irritable. But, as I wrapped the bag of ice around him, he stopped crying and fell asleep on my chest--he was comfortable and content. Finally, both swabs came back--negative. Still, they treated him for both since he had a red, puss throat and recent exposure to the flu. The ice wrap brought his fever back down, and we were sent on our way.

His fever continued to rise again Tuesday night and Wednesday morning--all the way up to 105.7. We wrapped him in ice, gave him Advil, and were preparing to take him to the ER before the fever finally broke. Thursday he finally started taking down adequate fluids again, and by Friday he was getting good sleep on his own. Saturday, his spirits started to rise, but then he broke out in hives. His whole belly was covered in a rash--no fever, no new foods, no new soaps. Darrin called the nurse line and answered question after question before it was finally decided that he had roseola, a common viral infection that most kids get before two-years-old.

Brandt being sick again could only mean one thing--no MRIs for last Thursday. So, of course I called St. Marys to reschedule AGAIN. The next available appointment isn't for another six weeks. I tried Miami Children's, but they're availability was just as bad, so I guess we'll wait the six weeks and pray like hell that he does not get sick then!
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