Thursday, June 21, 2012

Shaken Faith

Today started out as any other day. Brandt woke up, ate breakfast, had his nebulizer, and took his vitamins, iron medication, and antibiotic. I played with him for a bit, and around 8:30 I took him to school.

Today's physical therapy was scheduled at his school. It was a way for his therapist to work with Brandt and see his new classroom setup--which I have mixed feelings about. Towards the end of the therapy session, I drove to Brandt's school to meet with the therapist and get her opinion and recommendations. Boy, I didn't realize what a can of worms I was opening...

The therapist told me that she showed Brandt's teachers more techniques they could do with him, and she asked them what they had been doing to help Brandt. The teachers later told me that they were offended by the therapist being so presumptuous, so hopefully we can all find a way to work together to help Brandt.

Then, the therapist gave me her recommendations on devices that would better help Brandt learn to crawl and walk. She recommended I consider purchasing walking wings and a scooter board. She also said that she would bring in a gait trainer to work with him on, stating that it was too expensive for me to personally buy.

I quickly drove home and got right on the computer; I went right to shopping! I read and researched all about "walking wings" and other similar walking assistants. Walking Wings is a harness that the parent can use to hold the child upright and balanced while the child concentrates on strength and movement. I also searched website after website for different types of scooter boards. The idea behind the scooter board is to put it under his belly while he is crawling to get him used to his belly off the ground, and I know he needs more help with that. So, finally, three hours later, I purchased both--with two-day shipping.

Next, I decided I wasn't going to let money stand in my way (even if I have to spend months paying it off). I googled "gait trainers." Price was steep but fair--between $500-600. Whatever, cost doesn't matter when it comes to my son's development. But, then I look at the picture--it's a damn walker. And I don't mean a cutesy walker you'd buy from a baby supply store. I mean a shiny metal one you'd buy from a medical supply store. I was shocked, annoyed, offended--why would she recommend that for my son? He doesn't need that; no way he is that bad off. What was she trying to tell me? Am I really ready for whatever lies ahead? My faith was shaken once more.

After getting Brandt home from school, I heard to worst sound I could hear--Brandt was coughing. I was hoping (pleading with God, really) that it was just allergies. I gave him some Zyrtek, and my husband gave him some more Albuterol and Pulmicort. As the evening progressed, so did the productiveness of his cough.

Could it be--could he really be sick again? Is the weekend in isolation going to be enough time for his body to stop and recover? Is he really going to miss yet another attempt at tubing his ears? Still on an antibiotic, how could he get sick again?
Sent from my BlackBerry® by Boost Mobile

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