Saying goodbye to Early Steps has been bittersweet. On one hand, it means Brandt is catching up--which is all that I could ever ask for. And, it also means less to juggle. On the other hand, Brandt has spent most of his life with his therapists. They developed a very strong bond, and he does not understand why they are suddenly gone. He is always asking for them, or making up fake playmates with them in his mind. That aspect is very sad.
But, now it is time to move on, time to take the next steps, time to transition to the next program. Now that Brandt is almost three, we can apply for services through the school district. They will do their own evaluations to determine if he qualifies for any services through them, and if he does qualify, they will determine what level of services are needed and what area they are needed in.
I'm not really going into this evaluation looking for a particular end result. If it turns out that he does not qualify, then that is great. That would mean he is catching up. Again, can't ask for anything more than that. If he does qualify, great--we'll get him taken care of. The thing that scares me is that gray area-that part where he just barely misses the mark to qualify. That means, he isn't low enough to get services, but he still isn't high enough to be where he needs to be.
But, for now, all I can do is wait and see. His evaluation is Monday. I have my physicians referrals, and all my paperwork is pulled out. I'm anxious and not sure what to expect but it will all be over soon.
Pray Brandt gets what he needs and celebrate what he doesn't.
Onward with the next steps....